- 早期診斷狼瘡腎炎,經由本科,病理科,腎臟科聯合會議討論腎臟切片嚴重度與預後,進而醫病共享決定標準治療方案。延後診斷與治療狼瘡腎炎,可能延長大量類固醇與免疫抑制劑使用時間與累積副作用,與延後腎炎緩解與影響疾病預後。
- 成立狼瘡腎炎個案管理系統,由個管師主動關懷病患之醫從性,安排病患定期回診接受完全治療與追蹤治療反應。
- 團隊定期檢討治療成效並適時調整治療計畫,提升腎炎緩解達標率,以回復病患正常腎功能與生活品質。
- 延長關懷維持治療以達長期緩解,預防腎炎復發,減少腎臟累積傷害,維護患者生活品質與提高生存率。
- 過敏免疫風濕科呂聆音主任
- 過敏免疫風濕科石孟潔醫師
Holistic health care of SLE and lupus nephritis
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a systemic disease caused by autoantibodies attacking various organs, primarily affecting young women of childbearing age. More than 60% of patients develop lupus nephritis (LN). Despite the standardization of immunosuppressive therapy and the continuous development of targeted drugs, the prognosis for lupus nephritis has not significantly improved in the past decade, with approximately 30% of patients still progressing to renal failure within 10 years. Even patients without nephritis must undergo long-term steroid and immunomodulator therapy to control their condition. This has a severe impact on the patient's life, work, marriage, childbirth, and the entire family.
Our department has accumulated 30 years of clinical experience in providing holistic care for SLE and LN. We establish lupus case management plan. First, we collaborate with nephrologists and pathologists for early diagnosis and determination of the severity and prognosis of LN, and we engage patients in shared medical decision-making to create personalized treatment plans. We proactively schedule regular follow-up visits for every patient, ensure medical adherence, regularly review treatment effectiveness, and adjust treatment plans in a timely manner to improve the target outcomes of guided treatment. For patients without nephritis, we offer multidisciplinary care to reduce cumulative organ damage and maintain low disease activity. Additionally, we regularly monitor comorbidities and drug safety to help patients regain their ability to work and maintain a normal quality of life.