




    「建構延緩失能之長者友善照護模式(Acute Care For Alderly)」(以下簡稱ACE),希望透過高雄榮民總醫院提出之ACE住院端長者友善計畫與模組,透過發展高雄民總醫院長者友善照護模式核心架構,建立未來提供其他醫院導入長者友善照護模式指引之參考。



    A. 優化住院長者友善環境,提供長者與家屬使用支持性設備  B. 推廣與深化長者友善照護文化


    1. 高齡醫學中心周明岳醫師
    2. 高齡醫學中心梁志光醫師
    3. 高齡醫學中心林育德醫師
    4. 高齡醫學中心廖美珍醫師
    5. 高齡醫學中心徐盈欣醫師
    6. 高齡醫學中心王郁鈞醫師


    • 07-3422121 轉72091



    • 2019年    社團法人國家生技醫療產業策進會    SNQ國家品質銅獎及標章    無縫接軌、安心返家 2019年-社團法人國家生技醫療產業策進會-SNQ國家品質銅獎及標章-無縫接軌、安心返家
    • 2018年    社團法人國家生技醫療產業策進會    SNQ國家品質標章    開創急性醫療與社區照護無縫整合新時代—安心返『家』 2018年-社團法人國家生技醫療產業策進會-SNQ國家品質標章-開創急性醫療與社區照護無縫整合新時代—安心返『家』
    • 2018年    財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會    國家醫療品質獎主題類主題改善組銀獎    提升急性腦中風跨領域全人醫療照護品質 2018年-財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會-國家醫療品質獎主題類主題改善組銀獎-提升急性腦中風跨領域全人醫療照護品質
    • 2018年    財團法人中衛發展中心、經濟部工業局    第31屆全國團結圈競賽至善組(基層改善類銅塔獎)    無縫接軌,安心返家-創新出院準備服務轉銜模式 2018年-財團法人中衛發展中心、經濟部工業局-第31屆全國團結圈競賽至善組(基層改善類銅塔獎)-無縫接軌,安心返家-創新出院準備服務轉銜模式
    • 2017年    財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會    醫療品質獎主題類主題改善組金獎    提升高齡病人的用藥整合率 2017年-財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會-醫療品質獎主題類主題改善組金獎-提升高齡病人的用藥整合率
    • 2017年    財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會    醫療品質獎主題類主題改善組銀獎    無縫接軌,安心返家-創新出院準備服務轉銜模式 2017年-財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會-醫療品質獎主題類主題改善組銀獎-無縫接軌,安心返家-創新出院準備服務轉銜模式.JPG
    • 2016年    衛生福利部國民健康署    高齡友善健康照護創意提案首獎    從心出發~建GO高齡友善床邊智慧醫療看版 2016年-衛生福利部國民健康署-高齡友善健康照護創意提案首獎-從心出發~建GO高齡友善床邊智慧醫療看版
    • 2016年    衛生福利部國民健康署    高齡友善健康照護機構典範選拔高齡友善健康照護機構典範獎 2016年-衛生福利部國民健康署-高齡友善健康照護機構典範選拔高齡友善健康照護機構典範獎
    • 2013年    社團法人國家生技醫療產業策進會    SNQ國家品質標章    五全無縫照護--開創長者專屬的綠色通道 2013年-社團法人國家生技醫療產業策進會-SNQ國家品質標章-五全無縫照護-開創長者專屬的綠色通道
    • ----------------------------

    Integrated Care for Healthy Aging


    The vision of the Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology is "Innovative Service, Teamwork, and Honoring Life." In response to the emergence of a super-aged society and the need to establish an age-friendly environment that supports healthy aging, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital established the Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology in 2004. In 2014, the first dedicated Geriatric Building was established, and in 2016, the hospital actively promoted a network that integrates acute medical care with long-term care. Through age-friendly integrated care, the center offers a continuum of services—from community-based disability prevention and care, to age-friendly acute medical care, and integrated discharge transitions focusing on functional recovery, while also building a long-term care network.

    Key developments include:

    Community-Based Integrated Care for Healthy Aging (WHO's ICOPE functional assessment and integrated care, community-based disability and dementia prevention models, and establishment of integrated outpatient clinics for the older people),

    Age-Friendly Acute Care (age-friendly emergency and inpatient care),

    Innovative Seamless Discharge Integration (establishing innovative post-acute care, pioneering seamless transitions from hospital discharge to long-term care),

    Creating an A+ Community-Based Long-Term Care System (a comprehensive network integrating medical and long-term care, one-stop assistive device services, the first community-based long-term care services at a medical center level in Taiwan, innovative end-to-end home medical smart care, and enhancing the integrated health care service network in the Kaohsiung-Pingtung-Penghu region),

    Comprehensive Dementia Holistic Care (integrated dementia outpatient care and shared care during hospitalization).

    The center’s efforts in building a society that supports healthy aging have been recognized with top honors from the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Health Promotion Administration, the National Biotechnology and Medical Care Quality Award SNQ "Bronze Award," making it the first in Taiwan, and the Joint Commission of Taiwan's 2023 National Quality Award for "Center of Excellence."


    Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology


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